Sunday, April 15, 2007

Injured troops come home to obstacles

Injured soldiers returning home for medical treatment face an unacceptable maze of paperwork and bureaucracy, leaders of a presidential commission on veterans' health care said Saturday.

Donna Shalala, health and human services secretary under President Clinton, and Bob Dole head the commission and plan on having a final analysis handed in by mid July. Reviews in recent weeks have pointed to inadequacies with the treatment of brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as outpatient care.

So what is the plan to help these soldiers until then? We've already heard they far out number the help that's available to work with soldiers on their paper work, medications, treatments, appointments, anything they need. Their being left in limbo it seems. This story came out in February due to the Walter Reed problems. Four months seems an awful long time to solve this when these guys need help the minute they are released from the hospital. US News
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