Bought and Bossed bloggers at MyDD
What will months of shameless advocacy for a political candidate enable one to secure? What will months of mindlessly paraphrasing emails from campaign operatives enable one to secure? What will months of banning supporters of Hillary Clinton enable one to secure? What will months of misrepresenting the policies of Hillary Clinton on a major political blog enable one to secure? What will months of directly and subtly accusing Bill Clinton of racism enable one to secure? What will months of unrestrained hackery for a political candidate enable one to secure? What will months of fabricating false momentum for a political candidate in the important state of California enable one to secure? What will months of editing the work of Hillary supporters enable one to secure?
A position at Perkins Cole, of course, for Perkins Cole is the law firm that represents the Obama campaign. Even the mediocre, overweight, unprepossessing and unimaginative can climb the social ladder if favors are performed for the Obama campaign. Is anyone surprised? Am I wrong to assume that this is another example of quid pro quo with the Obama campaign?
Chicago politics is now online politics: Obama has a Daddy Rezko, and some bloggers have a Daddy Axelrod. This is the change in which venal political hacks have been trained to believe.
By the way, one Obamabot will be substituted for another at MyDD. For the new hire, Joshua Orton, is an avowed hack who has already been programmed by Axelrod. Out with one bot and in with another: MyDD will remain a haven for interchangeable Obama supporters
As if we didn't already know that MyDD was in the tank for Obama, I came across a Daily Kos post that welcomes Jerome Armstrong, founder of MyDD, to the Obama team.