Thursday, June 19, 2008

So much for transparency in the Obama campaign and how about those endless lies? PACS, Lobbyists, Bill Ayres "was only my neighbor"

The campaign on Monday barred cameras from a large gathering of black civic leaders Obama attended. It recently refused to provide names of religious figures with whom Obama met in Chicago and directed some of them to avoid reporters by using a special exit. And on Wednesday, the campaign orchestrated Michelle Obama’s appearance on the friendly set of the television talk show “The View” and a flattering spread in the pages of Us Weekly.


Obama's lies are hard to keep up with these days. His comment that William Ayers is just a guy who lives in his neighborhood stands out as one of his most blasphemous remarks if you read this detailed article, and once again, something this important that the msm will not cover.

Also a must read-Obama's lobbyist and PAC lies

American voters should be outraged and scared shitless this unknown entity is so close to taking over the White House.
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