Sunday is Earth Day
Bees are disappearing
Here and
around the world at an alarming rate. We need bees to pollinate fruit trees, flowers and other plants.

Studies show a strange behavior in bees that's caused by cell phone use. Would a tech frenzied society be willing to go back to the way they used to communicate? If
this study is valid, will it be ignored (like global warming), because it's an inconvenience?

People in the United States dispose of 100,000,000,000 (that's 100 billion) plastic shopping bags every year, that take 1,000 years for each to decompose.

Those 6 pack plastic rings that hold your soda cans together get stuck around birds and small animals necks or bodies preventing them from flying, or, for a growing animal it slowly strangles them to death because they can't get un wrapped from

them. Do you cut the rings up before you throw them out so no animal can be harmed?
Do you reuse plastic bags, or recycle them or take your own cloth bags to the store?
Do you recycle anything?
How do you dispose of batteries, paint, car oil, old pc's, and phones?

Have you ever researched how calves are abused during their 2 yrs of life so you can eat veal?
Are global warming, and bees disappearing non issues for you?
What is your carbon footprint? What will it take to get you involved?
Sunday is Earth DayCelebrate it by making some change in your lifestyle, and by passing on the importance of Earth Day to a friend.