Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jew Hate - The dangers of anti semitism and (their) godly teachings

Anti-Semitic Bible Teachings Disappear From Army Site
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t Report

Wednesday 13 June 2007

A series of Bible study guides were removed from the US Army's Fort Leavenworth web site late Monday following a report by Truthout that disclosed how the materials used by chaplains during Bible sessions for soldiers appeared to be anti-Semitic, and that disseminating it through a web site maintained by the federal government may have violated the law mandating the separation between church and state.

The Bible study guides were discovered last week by researchers at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a government watchdog group. The group's founder, Mikey Weinstein, said in an interview Tuesday that scrubbing the web site does not adequately address the problem of rampant evangelical Christian fundamentalism that continues to ripple throughout the military. Weinstein, a former White House counsel under Ronald Reagan, still intends to file a lawsuit against the US Army for alleged constitutional violations.

Janet Wray, spokeswoman at Fort Leavenworth, confirmed that the bible study guides have been removed from the chaplain's section of the website and said that officials at the army base were reviewing the materials. When contacted over the weekend about the study guides and the apparent anti-Semitic content contained in the documents, a person who answered the telephone at the Fort Leavenworth chaplain's office refused to disclose his name when asked for comment. The individual, a male, said there have not been prior complaints about the Bible study guides and that "I would not characterize the material as anti-Semitic..."

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