Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt Romney has "suspended" his campaign

Cable news is reporting that Romney , our mittens, has dropped out. On msnbc they changed the word to "suspended" that the campaign is now using the term "suspended" instead of dropping out. Romney would not have had enough delegates even if he stayed in the race and the money has run out, keeping in mind, that Mitt Romney has been using millions of his own wealth, known to be in the range of $250 million.

Romney is preparing to tell C-PAC that if he carries his campaign to the convention it would aid the ability of Clinton or Obama to become president. The statement released also says that in a time of war he can't be a part of that.

Other campaigns:

Obama has raised $7.2 million since Super Tuesday and is pulling out all the stops in making sure this news is released all over the media and repeatedly, and incessantly, to counter the news that Hillary had lent herself $5 million (which has now been paid back to her due to donations to her campaign), and her continued push for more funds in these coming days.

The Clinton campaign just announced that it raised "more than $4 million online in the day after polls closed on Super Tuesday ... Hillary's biggest single day of contributions since the campaign's launch." ....and it confirmed that its new goal is "$6 million in 72 hours."
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