Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Was Patti Solis Doyle just incompetent, maybe a traitor, or a bitch too?

Well here's an interesting little snippet of info on her:

Patti Solis Doyle allegedly bred a lot of ill will inside the campaign among staffers. Many Clinton aides talked about how she had a wall erected between herself and the rest of the campaign staff in Iowa.

Others who had been around for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign talked about how Patti Solis Doyle had shut down the campaign office for two full days in order to watch the collected DVD set of “Grey’s Anatomy.” I’m not kidding.

– From Steve Clemons’ post, “Maggie Williams’ Three Rules.”

Well, while we’re there, let’s read those three rules that Doyle’s replacement enacted immediately:

1. Be respectful of your fellow staff members — generous in spirit, positive, constructive.

2. Return all phone calls — even if you have to return them at night when you know the other person won’t be in. Return every single one.

3. Feel empowered to share your ideas for the campaign. Send them to [me], Howard Wolfson, anyone. We want your ideas and want to hear from you.

Well isn't that interesting!
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