Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui - So many warning signals

Cho Seung-Hui was mentally ill.

Let's stop trying to make this into an "Asian thing" or a "Virginia thing". I am anti guns and of course feel that's a part of it, but let's not ignore the fact this guy was mentally ill. He was declared mentally ill by a court in 2005. He was even sent to a psyche hospital for a period of time.

His room mates say he never spoke to anyone. They said he hadn't uttered a word in months. Amazingly, they assumed he couldn't speak English very well..and they lived with him. I assume they didn't know he was an English Major. Karan Grewal, a 'suite mate' of Cho's, being interviewed on Hardball, says Cho would watch WTF on Fridays and Spike TV. He says if they said hi to him he wouldn't even respond, he'd just look at them.

He had a history of stalking a couple years back. His writing professor and chairman of the English department, Lucinda Roy found the themes in his stories so disturbing she went to school counselors and the police more than once. The police told her there was nothing they could do unless he threatened someone. He bought the guns legally, 1 month a part as required by VA gun laws, (VA's very lax gun laws). He bought several magazines of bullets that could shoot off 15 at a time, (thanks to a law that expired 2 yrs ago and R-congress refused to renew).
More disturbing details

Cho sent a package to NBC in between the shootings that were 2 hours apart. He left after the 1st shooting and went to the post office. So far, they think some of the pics he sent, in a car, and possibly a video, were made after the first 2 murders in the dorm. The mail room at NBC called authorities yesterday when they found the package from Cho. This pic of him (above) was found among its contents.
Latest News
Updated: The pics Cho sent to NBC
pdf of Cho's detention order

Watch Hardball Video on the package Cho sent to NBC that contained pictures, a video and described as a manifesto of "ramblings".


Confirmed list so far:

1. Ryan Clark, 'The Spirit of Tech'Sr.Biology, English, Psychology
2. Henry Lee (A.K.A. Henh Ly) freshman, computer engineering
3. Leslie Sherman, History and International Studies
4. Mary Read, Interdisciplinary studies, Elementary Education
5. Emily Hilscher, 'animal lover'
6. Juan Ramon Ortiz, 'civil engineer, salsa performer'
7. Jarrett Lane, 'caring heart, full of spirit'
8. Prof GV Loganathan
9. Prof Jamie Bishop, German teacher, Fulbright Scholar
10. Prof Kevin Granata, loving father, at the top of his field
11. Prof Liviu Librescu, Holocaust survivor, helped save students lives
12. Prof Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, helped open French school
13. Maxine Turner, chemical engineering student
14. Reema Samaha, creative dancer
15. Daniel Perez Ceuva
16. Caitlin Hammaren, International Studies, French
17. Brian Bluhm, graduate student, civil engineering
18. Matt La Porte, 'uplifting spirit'
19. Ross Alameddine, 'intelligent, funny'English-business Information Tech
20. Mike Pohle
21. Matthew Gwaltney, Environmental Engineering
22. Julia Pryde
23. Erin Peterson, Basketball team 'big sister'
24. Dan O’Neil, grad student, civil engineering
25. Nicole White, Junior, International Studies and German
26. Rachel Hill, Biology
27. Jeremy Herbstritt, grad student, 2 Bachelor Degrees from Penn State
28. Lauren McCain, International Studies
30. Austin Cloyd, International Studies and Frenc
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