Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will make their first joint appearance of the presidential campaign next week in an attempt to soothe antagonism between supporters and fundraisers.
Mrs Clinton will introduce the Democratic party nominee to some of her most influential fundraisers, an important step in uniting the party's war chest as the general election campaign gathers pace.
In an email to Clinton backers, the former First Lady's national finance director Jonathan Mantz invited them to a joint appearance at the Mayflower hotel in Washington next week and urged them to donate $2,300, the legal maximum, to Mr Obama's campaign.
He said the meeting would be used to discuss "how we can work together to support Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.
No to unity, no to Obambi, no to his country hating, white hating wife, no to his questionable agenda, no to his dangerous connections, no to the slimey underhanded Howard Dean and the DNC.